Friday, November 25, 2005


an introduction to me in brief:
1. i am the ruler of the universe! duh......
2. i am beautiful
3. i am always right...thus I'M the queen and i rule!
4. i am smart
5. i am funny
6. i love flowers and chocolate and lil fluffy dogs..wee!!!
you know wht i've realised, there's just too much abt me to write down and my little queen fingers are getting tired. proceeding.....

why am i writing a blog:
1. because i've got nothing else better to do for i'm through contemplating my existence...i've found the answer, to RULE ALL!!!! muahahaha
2. because i'm trying to get a feel on why all the idiots i rule are so into this whole blogging it the in thing?
3. because i need to brag about how great i am.....being a queen is tough k, especially on my complexion.
well, these are a few reasons on why i've gotta blog. neway you shall hear from me soon, but for now i need to rest my fingers....tata for now!

your queen,