Sunday, January 01, 2006

its the end of one chapter and the beginning of another

wow, one whole year has gone by with a blink of an eye. it was only like yday when i was so thrilled tht i had got into college and was starting a new chapter of my life and here i am one year later doing the same thing. 18 yrs of my life flew by just like that. year 2005 was an experience like no other. college life was a rollercoaster ride on its own but you know wht, i don't regret one bit of it. i've been exposed to so many different type of people in college itself, i can only imagine the kind off people in the real world. scary thought, i know. but the most important thing is to know yourself and be focused. it's not all about the studies, it's about gaining experience through exposure. but yeah you gotta be focused too! it was really fun just hanging out with fren's and mastering the art of people watching. loved watching all the interesting clothes people would come in. i mean some are nice but some are just so weird. oh ya and need i remind ya'll about the celebrity wannabe's. jay sean, jay chao, kelly rowlands....;) lolz! i admit looking good is a MUST in college. but sometimes there are ugly days, where you put on a big ass shirt and jeans and sneakers. hairs in a mess and all...lolz! but anyway, this year was a blast! and for those of you who were part of it, especially the G8érs and prakash and the bus gang, thank you so much for this memorable year. ttfn!

your queen,


Naveen said...

hey girl

whats up

well, good luck to you and mind me telling where you are heading to because i'm planning to start a virtual G8 blog and this would enable every G8ers to keep in track via the net :)

by the way please share your comment and be a critic in my new blog ....thank you pri

Nav The sleepy head

`Blitz~ said...

oh so only ur class mates n bus gang get mentioned la .... sniff

priya d. said...

aiseh man, extremely sensitive la. ok la you included. most definately. who can ever forget the adorable kai! ;)

praxster said...

ha ha ha ha 2 bad kai ..i got mentioned so BLEH!!!!

priya d. said...

kai always wants recognition but he doesnt give other ppl recognition. definately not cut out to become leader of the world.