Sunday, February 12, 2006

party of the yr!!

say whteva you want but the surprise farewell party thrown for me by my darling frens and my absolutely sweet boyfriend gains the title party of the yr in my books. it was so sweet of them to actually take the effort to cook stuff and attend the party. and the best part is, i've known these girls since i was a school kid. we practically grew up together. i don't think any other person in this world knows me better than these guys. namely michelle, ee may, davina, abby, jenna, koheela, maya, sheep, yamuna and anits. off course then there are the other awesome ppl whom i just got to know in college namely the G8-ers, kailash and adrien. also not forgetting my darling boyfriend who put together this whole party. prakash you're truly a gem and being the idiot i am i tool so long to realize that. well i've realised finally. thank heavens!! i was so touched that my ex classmates and kai actually came all the way from kl for this party. thanks guys!! you totally rock. after yesterday i truly realized that i'm so lucky to be blessed with such amazing sincere friends. i know we've had our up's and down's but to me that's how you really get to know a person truly. so i'll be in melbourne and all but i'll still keep in touch k. through msn and hotmail and definately via blog. thanks so much guys and i hope to see ya'll in june. :)


praxster said...

anythin 4 u girl

adrien said...

i'm not from G8 or whatever that thing is! lol.

!jenna! said...

oy hello! G8 is our sacred beloved class k. Don't you be dissing it! *puts on attitude* uh huh!!