now to my favourite parts of the movie
- right at the beginning when leonidas as a boy kills the wolf..damn! the way he circled the wolf and strategised clearly illustrates that size does not matter! *go small people, GO GO*
- when they find the tree of dead people made by the so called "immortals" who weren't really immortal after all..boohoo!
- ooh ooh, when king leonidas went to see the oracle. who the hell would've thought that the oracle was a spirit in a beautiful woman? that scene was totally erogenic.
- the first fight scene!!!! i must say that the spartans did truly master the art of fighting. so skilled, so perfected..
- the second fight scene when they were swarmed by falling arrows! blimey, their shields must've been really strong.
- well all the following fight scenes when they battle the monsters of persia. its amazing how much these 300 men accomplished..
- when king leonidas sends his messenger back to sparta, he says to him "tell them our story, and why we fought...ask them to remember us".....truly touching. well its pretty obvious that they're all gonna die at this point. :(
- when the queen of sparta kills the bad politician in front of the council. totally unanticipated...but i'm glad she did it. that sly bastard! *girl power...woohoo!*
- the saddest part but the most significant part of the movie, king leonidas bows down to the self proclaimed persian "god" king??? even the persian king was equally surprised as i was...then BAM! he threw his spear with a mighty thrust and just scraped the side of the persian kings face...guess wht happened? he bled of course...aint no god after all huh? the king, the last man standing died with honour as he received the tens of thousands of arrow that rained on him.
- final scene of the movie, 100000 spartan men run to battle!
sigh, well that's all there is to the movie people. definately a prodigious movie that's worth every penny you paid for it, worth the crying babies you had to put up with and worth the trouble of getting to the cinema in the rain. at the end of the movie, the ladies leave with the message "you aint no real man if you aint a spartan man.." and the men leave with the message "dang! i better start hitting the gym or my woman's gonna flee to sparta.." hehe, its all good...everybody leaves with something innit?
before i sign off, here are some amazing pictures from the movie, please feel free to indulge in it. god dammit this stupid blogspot is weird....can't post pics after text! will just add the pics in another post then..tee hee!
ha ha ha Awesome!! yea we all loved dis movie!! atleast u admit d movie was about more den just men with pects!!! ha ha ha ....
jesus prakash, i appreciate you acknowledging the fact i'm shallow....so I STILL WANT MY PECTS K! hmmmph!!!!!!!!!!! :p
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