Sunday, March 05, 2006

i survived melbourne transportation system!!

yey! finally something interesting to blog about. anyways, on friday after uni i met my uncle raj at melbourne central and took the train to his house. it was a very short visit. but i was so emo when i entered my aunts hse, because the last time i was there my mum was there to greet me. so i just started crying. anyways, my aunt gave me a big hug and i felt much better. i was so happy to have chicken curry that night. it was so yummy! so i ate like a pig and ended up feeling like a stuffed turkey after tht. then i went online and chatted with my babu and my sis. it was so good just chatting with them. then abt 11 i went to bed. cried again coz mum was sleeping with me on tht bed last week. it's so funny that when i was with her for the last 18 yrs i never really made an effort to spend time with her and all, but right now i'll do anything just to have a minute with her. anyways, then next afternoon saree came picked me up and we went to monash. was staying over there. met up with shantini and her friend anju. had a blast that day. in the evening we cooked. how awesome was tht? we made chicken curry and stir fry mixed vege. and to our supprise it was pretty good. so we whacked it nicely. then saree and shantz heated up the chocolate cake until the icing melted and was spilling over the was so good...ah, we seriously sinned that night. and the best part is we ate the wonderful cake in the park nearby under the moonlit and starlit sky. so bloody romantic. so, after cracking stupid jokes and laughing our ass's off we headed back to anju's room, cleaned up and saree and i went to get our pillows and shantz went to get hers. met back at anju's room in 30 min and we set the bed and stuff and just laid down. shantz suggested nail painting so we took out anju's collection and started being creative. shantz did my nails for me, i was being a bum lying down on my tummy and not doing anything. he he he! but we had fun doing gurly stuff. then anju and shantz hit the sack and only saree and i were awake. i felt like an idiot when saree felt asleep soon after and i only realised after 3 minutes of yapping...he he he! oh after tht i slept off too. next morning a took the bus to the local train station at 10.50 then immediately jumped onto the train to the city. so shit scared coz i was all on my own. got down at flinders st station. took the number 19 bus to college, and wallah, i was back "home!!" ;) so tht's my weekend in words. pretty good huh? oh well, ya'll tc and definately will receive updates from urs truly.


`Blitz~ said...

do they charge u full price or kids price?

Naveen said...

Lol, that sounds so fun

well, do you know that UN ranked melbourne and vancouver as the best place to live? Not sure about the people though since you sufered some culture wave!!! BTW,nothing beats Malaysia though.

Damn it, how nice if i was the only boy with you girls in that romantic scenario!

-Lost Soul-

!jenna! said...

Damn it! I miss Shanthini too!! Hows it going la girl.. dotn worry the homesickness fades after a while. You will end up having such a blast, trust me.

Navindran. That just sounds so.. odd.

!jenna! said...

kailash you mean thing. lol.

Naveen said...

jenna, odd?

Lol, i was just being practical. I mean , who wouldn't wanna spend a night like that? Perhaps it's the right time for Nav to go out and same real fun and the real vibration of the society instead of being a stereotyped dude!!! : ))


priya d. said...

erm actually there's no kid or adult. stupid right? anyways do you know tht if you're a international student you don't get concession on transportation fares! it's so gotta pay something like $3.20 for a 2 hr fair within zone one of victoria and $2.30 for within the city. bloody rip off k. with concession you only pay half price. jenna wenna!! me missing ya so much, and my yammy wammy and abby wabby. sigh...wish i had u guys with me. coolest frens on planet earth..tht goes for all my msian pals. erm, nav...tht does sound odd. ;) he he he. apa la u...yeah go out and party la boy. don't stay cooped up at home. he he he!!

irreversible said...

hehe so my "tour" did you some good, rite? well next time you can take a train to me.. hehe. (will get my mum to cook up some msian food for you)

praxster said...

not like it would b any diff rite 4 or child..he he he..
trust me...there's nth romantic wen it comes 2 a girls sleepover.. shakes bad memories of sister's sleepover parties..... like i told u girl..d homesickness will come n go but with time u'll start having a blast....u already r having some gd times no???? love ya!

priya d. said...

surprise surprise it did!! thanks prazzy...anyways prax, dun blame anyone if u had a bad experience with girls sleep over k. not all sisters' wax their bro's legs and dresses him up like a girl during sleepovers!! ;)*blegh*

praxster said...

they did not dress me up like a girl!!!!!!!!

`Blitz~ said...

Prax is a trans !!!! I knew it!

priya d. said...

trans as in former girl or former boy? prakash, wht's happening? kai seems to know more than me...wht's been happening ah? as soon as i moved to a diff continent ya'll started la all the kinky business.. ;)